FEA Understanding the Impact of Depreciation on Like-Kind Exchanges

FEA "The Voice of the 1031 Industry" Releases an Important Paper This Week!
Understanding the Impact of Depreciation on Like-Kind Exchanges
"Like-kind exchanges under IRC §1031 support investment in commercial and residential real estate and encourage preservation of family-owned farms, ranches, and forestland. Like-kind exchanges provide deferral, not elimination, of tax. By preserving cash flow, section 1031 encourages taxpayers to divest properties that are under-utilized, inefficient, or that simply do not meet current needs, with replacement properties that will permit businesses to grow and thrive." Read the complete article to learn more.
(Quote and Article Credit: FEA | Federal Exchange Same as intermediary, facilitator, or Qualified Intermediary. The party who facilitates a tax-deferred exchange by acquiring and selling property in an exchange to aid the taxpayer in complying with Section 1031 and all applicable rules. Accommodator s)

"It was important for the FEA to publish a piece that provides clarity to the accounting and depreciation impact of 1031 transactions. I was pleased to collaborate with Suzanne Baker, from IPX1031 on this paper."
- Brent Abrahm, President & Chief Executive Officer | Accruit
Click to view and download the full article! - FEA Understanding the Impact of Depreciation on Like-Kind Exchanges