Costs and Considerations When Performing 1031 Exchanges
While the long-term benefits of a 1031 exchange seem quite obvious, the costs associated in executing the transaction must also be ...
A Refresher Review of the Safe Harbors Set Forth in the IRC 1031 Regulations
While IRC Section 1031 is 100 years old this year, it has not always been a simply process for a taxpayer to ...
A Tale of Two Brothers: Fix-and-Flip versus Fix, Rent, and Exchange
We often get asked about whether or not fix-and-flip properties qualify for a 1031 exchange. One of the core requirements of ...
Turning a Sale-Leaseback Into a 1031 Exchange
Many investors are aware of 1031 exchanges, and their usefulness in their real estate portfolios. These investors use 1031 exchange to reposition ...
From One Mixed-Use Property into Multiple Short-Term Rentals, using Section 1031
One of the benefits of the like-kind requirement as it relates to real estate is that all real estate is ...
Future Trends in the Commercial Real Estate Industry and the Importance of 1031 Like-Kind Exchanges
What will commercial real estate look like once economic recovery from COVID-19 begins? With work from home still in effect ...