Whether you advise clients on choosing a qualified intermediary to manage their 1031 exchange or you provide those services in-house, it is essential to exercise due diligence to ensure the proper and successful completion of their exchange.

Education and Training

As part of our mission to educate on and advocate for the 1031 industry, we regularly host webinars and trainings on a variety of topics, including:

Whether at your office or virtually, we are happy to meet with your team to help your team better understand 1031 exchanges and when to offer them to your clients. Our team of subject matter experts are available to co-present on one of your webinars as well.

Free webinars see all upcoming events 

Exchange Manager™

Industry-Leading Technology

Accruit's patented cloud-based platform, Exchange Manager™ simplifies the processing of 1031 exchanges for our clients and partners. Exchange Manager™ handles the processing, administration and fund tracking, enabling client advisors to focus on customer relationships. All parties who are involved in an exchange can receive important transaction alerts, such as critical date reminders, and can access documents 24/7.

Document Data Retention, Retrieval and Protection

Exchange data is entered directly into Exchange Manager™, where the application generates all required exchange documents and provides clients, their advisors and attorneys access to the information and relevant documents they need throughout the life of an exchange. Come tax time, necessary information can be easily generated from Exchange Manager™ reports and records, which makes providing required information simple. The application maintains a record of exchange proceeds received from sales, disbursements for earnest money and for purchases and automatic notifications providing transparency in the handling of funds throughout the exchange.

Security Features

  • Cloud-based application for 1031 exchange administration
  • Secured, 24/7 access
  • Qualified intermediary services provided by a team of professionals including attorneys and Certified Exchange Specialists®

Document Preparation Features

  • Tax Deferred Exchange Agreements
  • Assignment of Relinquished Property Sale and Purchase Agreements
  • Notification of Assignments
  • Designation Notices to identify potential replacement property
  • Disbursement Requests
  • Document retention and retrieval
  • Electronic signature functionality, including from your smart phone
  • Complete suite of reports, including a final exchange report 

Email Notifications Features

  • Documents the signed and copies of executed documents
  • 45-day and 180-day deadline reminders
  • Assignment notifications
  • Instructions for settlement agents for relinquished and replacement properties closings
  • Confirmation of funds received and disbursed

1031 Exchange Explained