Ranch Investor Podcast: Why Capital Gains Tax Matter to You and I?

Accruit's Max Hansen and Jonathan Barge joined Andrew Rahn and Montana Land Source on a recent podcast episode: Why Calculation of the difference between the sales price of the relinquished property less selling expenses and less the adjusted basis of the relinquished property. Capital Gain s Tax Matter to you and I?1
Episode Overview
When will you have to pay the piper for his music? Be sure to check out Episode 6 of Season I with Max Hansen for a more technical “in the weeds” detail on IRS Section 1031 Deferment of Calculation of the difference between the sales price of the relinquished property less selling expenses and less the adjusted basis of the relinquished property. Capital Gain s if you are looking for the concise, legalese, attorney-speak because this episode is not that. As we bring Max back for Season III, we keep it high-level and casual in discussing the general status and overall effectiveness of this hot-button issue.