Video: Capital Gains Tax on the Sale of Real Estate
A calculation of tax on the cash-out of an investment property and the potential to defer these taxes by reinvesting ...
Accruit Offers Continuing Education Credit for Real Estate
Learn about Accruit's free 1031 Like-Kind Exchange workshops for anyone interested in the execution of successful 1031 real estate exchanges.
Qualified Intermediaries - More Than Meets the Eye!
A qualified intermediary will structure a 1031 exchange, safeguard related proceeds, and ensure 1031 compliance, but what else can your QI do ...
Video: What is boot in a 1031 exchange?
Learn about the two classic types of boot - cash boot and mortgage boot (debt relief) - and subscribe to ...
Five Reasons to Utilize a Qualified Intermediary in a 1031 Exchange
When conducting a 1031 exchange, engage a QI who will understand its intricacies and provide the security measures to safeguard the ...
Avoiding Cash Boot in a 1031 Real Estate Exchange
The reinvestment goal of any 1031 tax deferred exchange should be to buy replacement property of equal or greater value and ...